

Drugs menuThe Tabernanthe Iboga(a plant which grows on the equatorial area of Africa) roots are the most common source of Ibogaine. Ibogaine has stimulant properties and has been used by hunters from the Gabon and Congo tribes to be able to stay awake for days when hunting. It was first synthesized from the Tabernanthe Iboga's roots by Dybowsky and Landrin in 1901. Ibogaine has been found on other of the 6 species inside the Tabernanthe genus: T. Manii, and in the Ervatamia Yunnanensis. It's been used by healers to cure many kinds of diseases like impotence. It has been also used by the Bwiti on their initiations.

Ibogaine has proved successful in the treatment of addicts to heroine and cocaine. It interrupts the dependence to the chemical (unlike Methadone which substitute it and is addictive) without causing dependence or the pain and frustration that people feel while under treatment. Even so, many obstacles have been created to it's use : most of them , by scientist and bureaucrats who benefit on the use of Methadone for addiction treatment.



Around 4 a 5mg per kg of bodyweight is the regular dose. The effects may last around 6 hours.



Ibogaine is an stimulant and has been used as an aphrodisiac.

Some common effects are:
         * Appetite and digestion stimulation
         * nausea and vomiting(on excessive dose)
         * Incoordination
         * trance(excessive dose)
         * Hallucinations (some describe the visions as watching a hi-speed movie)

Ibogaine brings visions of animals and sexuality like Harmaline

 *An overdose can cause: paralysis, convulsions or death*




Ibogaine FAQ

Pharmacodynamics and therapeutic applications of iboga and ibogaine

The Ibogaine Story: Report on the STATEN ISLAND PROJECT


IBOGAINE: Andrew J. Schuknecht

Isolation of Ibogaine from Tabernanthe iboga

An Ibogaine Experience by Linda Kay Scott    Erowid

The Ibogaine Factor HIGH TIMES


