"In-Brain-Erator's 77 Disposer wins every match."

 Your government spends Millions of Tax Dollars every year on Systematic Desensitization, Mind Control and the Eradication of Individualism trying to turn us into Productive Members of Society.

Well, the waste of money is over! Dispositivo Alteracion Mental counterculture-zine proudly presents: The "In-Brain-Erator 77 Disposer" This miracle of technology take us into the next millennium in Mind Processing.

In the past we had to wait in front of the TV, Magazines or any other Medium for signals from the Big Companies to find out what to wear, eat, do or how to behave.

With the " In-Brain-Erator 77 Disposer" the search is over. All you got to do is plug it into your brain, connect the "IBE 77" to the internet and voilá, you start downloading all your new necessities.

But thats not all : *)

If you have children younger than 10 they can also enjoy this wonder. With an extremely simple procedure all you do is extirpate the brain, place it in the machine for 20 minutes and place it back into the skull of your child. In 24 hours your children will be ready to spend hours and hours in front of Nanny TV.

You can choose from a series of packages which include:

* Religion (only Occidental, Monotheist and Anthropocentric)

* Favorite TV Show

* Favorite Fast Food Restaurant

* and More



Why waste time deciding for so many things in life when we can do it for you?

"IBE 77 Disposer"

� Making individualism a thing of the past �




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