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Government Research into ESP & Mind Control

By Tom Porter Mar. 1996


Started during WWII with research on hypnosis forinterrogation, secure courier duties, and reducing fatigue. Alsoresearch into effects of primitive drugs like barbiturates andcannabis as far as drug-assisted interrogation goes.

George Estabrooks was the leading proponent of hypnosis as thebe-all and end-all of manipulating peoples minds. His book,'Hypnotism', published in the early forties, has been decried astoo fantastic and improbable in terms of describing thecapabilities of hypnosis with certain very suggestible subjects,but his arguments and examples remain valid to this day.

Start of Cold War and Korean War in particular gave a bigboost to mind control research with the emergence of 'BrainWashing' as a common term. Supposedly a development of thedastardly Chi-Coms, the term was actually coined by a magazine writer later found to be on the CIA payroll as an agent ofinfluence. Postulating a 'brainwashing gap' The CIA got thego-ahead for research into countering communist mind controlefforts and developing their own to aid in the espionage wars.

Hypnosis, drugs, and psycho-surgery; separately and combined,were the tools of this quest for the ultimate truth serum on theone hand, and the capability to create an agent who could nothave his or her mission tortured out of them, or even be awarethat they were carrying secret information given to them in analtered state of consciousness. More and more sophisticated drugswere experimented with, such as LSD, Ketamine, and Psilocybine.

Lobotomy and the implantation of electrodes were considered asmethods for creating a compliant agent. Electro-Convulsive Shock,combined with LSD, sedation for days at a time, and constantlyreplaying the patient's own voice through helmet-mountedheadphones was a notorious Canadian researcher's recipe for mindcontrol.

One of the most remarkable cases of mind control involves afamous model of the late 40's and 50's named Candy Jones. In thebook, "The Control of Candy Jones" the author reviewed hours oftapes made by Candy Jones and her husband which revealed asystematic program to create and manipulate alter personalitiesas the foundation for programmed couriers resistant to torture,where the primary personality would not even be aware of thesecret information being carried. The information could besummoned forth via a post-hypnotic command or response to apre-programmed cue.

Research continued into early 70's by CIA's own admissionduring the Church hearings. John Marks, author of the best studyof CIA mind control experiments, makes the subtle differentiationthat the CIA congressional witnesses might truthfully say thatall research done by the TSS Directorate had ended, since theprograms were moved into other areas once operational techniqueshad been developed. Many of the names mentioned in reference tomind control research turn up in the few references to supposeddead-end research in ESP.

There have been persistent rumors of Navy research involvingattempts at telepathy from submarines under water, the Nautilusbeing the most famous of these. Detection of enemy submarines,and communicating with our own, has continued to be an importantarea of conventional research for the Navy, so it is no surprisethat researching the use of ESP for these purposes would be ofinterest. Communicating with a submerged submarine is the onlykind of communications where the very act of receiving puts thereceiver in danger, since submarines must normally stick anantenna out of the water for high speed radio traffic, or rely ontrailing a long wire antenna under water relatively near thesurface to receive very slow speed traffic using ELF radio waves.

Newer techniques may involve the use of blue-green wavelengthlasers, but evidently penetration to any depth is still aproblem.

If you look at telepathy as a problem in the transfer ofinformation in a very noisy environment, then certain existingsolutions suggest themselves: There have already been experimentsin the transmission of five distinct symbols via telepathy,namely Zener card symbols. I suggest that there is already a wayof transmitting information using two symbols only, namely MorseCode. Current ELF or VLF radio transmission methods forcommunicating with fleet ballistic missile submarines to issuethem their launch orders involve very low data transfer rates, onthe order of 3 to 30 bits per minute, if I am not mistaken.

Messages are very short, consisting of pre-formulated action ortargeting codes. I suggest that telepathic 'Zener Morse' is anoperational technique for information transfer under severesignal to noise conditions. In fact the use of five Zener symbolswould increase data transfer rates, but at the expense of ahigher error rate due to the problems in discriminating betweenfive and just two symbols.


Reports of Project SCANNATE in 70's, most likely done bySwann, since his method for RV is very similar to that reportedlyused in this project; namely providing lat. & long. coords andtelling what is there. Later changed to assigning random numberfor unique session number and Swann picked up location anyway.

"The New Age Army:" Over the past 10 - 15 years a number ofmilitary personnel, most in significant positions in MilitaryIntelligence, have expressed interest in and directed programs orprojects that have explored paranormal activities andcapabilities. Several government studies on Enhancing HumanPerformance took place during this time. Most, if not all ofthem, were savaged in the NRC study on Enhancing HumanPerformance, but recent critiques and rebuttals of this studyhave indicated severe irregularities in the evaluation proceduresfor papers submitted to the NRC study, suppression of favorableresults, and a definitely one-sided evaluation panel.

Much modern research in parapsychology tends to support theidea that Enhanced Perception is a survival-related trait fromour distant past, not the tip of the iceberg as far as newemerging human powers go. This is supported by the observationthat many psychic episodes center around catastrophic ortraumatic events. Studies of Siberian and Eskimo shamans alsoshow the development of ESP or similar shamanic powers due toinjury, exposure to cold, and isolation. Dissociation withtendencies towards Multiple Personality Disorder also occurs inthese Shamans due to their ordeals. This is in contrast to theexperiences of most tropical shamans who tend to find theirpowers through exposure to mind-altering drugs.

The Vietnam war, with its exceedingly stressful combatenvironment of no clear-cut enemies combined with ambush beingthe normal way of making contact, produced a large body ofindividual reports stressing enhanced perception and awareness.

This showed up as detecting ambushes and booby-traps before theywere sprung; detecting the presence of enemy soldiers without anyconscious sign of them; time dilation when bullets could be seenslowly traveling around the battlefield, and even reports ofsoldiers avoiding those bullets by jumping out of their paths asthey were shot at.

Dr. Ian Wickramasekera of Eastern Virginia Medical School hasstudied the expansion of sensory input during trauma which wouldlead to time dilation, etc. This gentleman has also studied theeffects of sensory deprivation on hypnotic susceptibility inyoung women.

In a recent article in U.S. News & World Report, JohnGittinger, a CIA psychologist associated with a CIA frontorganization, the Human Ecology Society admitted to knowledge ofexperiments in developing ESP by giving electric shocks tosubjects when they gave wrong answers.

Recently, a Russian researcher in psychotronics, Dr. IgorSmirnov, has helped to start up a new Virginia company, calledPsycho-Technologies, I believe. It is supposed to conductresearch on various kinds of LTL technology, with a concentrationon Soviet-developed psychotronic warfare capabilities involvingthe use of electromagnetic and sonic waves to influence anddisable individuals or crowds. Supposedly this ranges from simplyfalling to influencing peoples thoughts via audio or visualsubliminal messages.


SOME OF THE PLAYERS: The Monroe Institute, located near Charlottesville, Virginia.

Bob Monroe, author of many books on Out of Body experiences, haslong and close ties with the C.I.A. James Monroe, Bob's father,if I'm not mistaken, was involved with the Human Ecology Society,a C.I.A. front organization of the late 50's and 60's. The MonroeInstitute has done research on accelerated learning and foreignlanguage learning through the use of altered states ofconsciousness for the C.I.A. and other government organizations.

Government interest in the more radical research going on at theinstitute remains only tantalizing speculation. Officialclassified document storage boxes have been seen at theirmail-order outlet located in Lovingston, VA.

Albert Stubblebine and John Alexander. Both retired Armyofficers, a General and Colonel respectively. Both worked at U.S.

Army Intelligence & Security Command, or INSCOM, Stubblebine asits head at one time. Stubblebine has publicly stated that anenlisted man under his command inadvertently 'mentally fried' anintelligence gathering computer located in Augsberg Germany. Thiswas Lynn Buchanan, discussed later.

Alexander wrote the rebuttal to the NRC paper on EnhancingHuman Performance. He used this rebuttal as the basis for a bookhe co-authored called "The Warrior's Edge" which describesvarious techniques for enhancing performance and perceptionutilizing the power of the mind. Alexander currently heads upresearch on Less Than Lethal weapons at Los Alamos NationLaboratories.

Jack Houk, Aerospace Engineer, and his Spoon bending parties,done for last 12 - 15 years. Stubblebine, Alexander, and othershave attended and hosted these parties. While even Houk admitsthat much of the bending activity that occurs is due tohysterical strength, people getting excited, etc. there arealways a few really perplexing feats of bending at each party.

Curled and twisted hacksaw blades comes to mind, since thesenormally snap if they are bent.

Ed Dames and PSI-TECH, Military Intelligence alumni ascontract RV'ers. Promises to provide RV services to corporate andgovernment clients for $5,000 - $8,000 per week. Has supposedlyspotted Iraqi chemical weapons depots, among others.

S.A.I.C. involvement in 1993 American ParapsychologicalAssociation meeting arrangements, via their 'Cognitive SciencesLaboratory'. Science Applications International Corporation is abig time defense contractor, has held the largest number ofresearch contracts of any defense contractor. Bobby Ray Inman ison its board of directors, among others.

Startup of TREAT, Center for Treatment and Research intoExperienced Anomalous Trauma, by Rima Leibow. Leibow is apsychiatrist who started studying trauma associated with alienabductions, noting its similarities to PTSD. She has hosted openand closed meetings for the past six years. Leibow is a closefriend of/ or married to Stubblebine, which certainly raises someinteresting questions. Another abduction researcher and friend isVictoria Lacas, who happens to be married to Alexander.

One other TREAT hanger-on, and friend of Stubblebine's, isLynn Buchanan. Buchanan offers services similar to PSI-TECH andhas worked with Ed Dames on a contract basis. He taught a RemoteViewing workshop at the latest TREAT conference. Also offerscontinued training in RV skills to those whom he decides to workwith. Veteran of INSCOM, and the famous 'computer frier'mentioned by Stubblebine.

A real mystery man in all of this is C.B. Scott Jones: Ex-NavyIntelligence officer, one time aide to Senator Claiborne Pell,founder of the Human Potential Foundation; Jones appears to havehis fingers in every 'weird' pie around. He has been involvedwith several UFO research organizations, dolphin-humancommunications research, served on the boards of severalscholarly parapsychological research organizations. Jones strikesmany people as a 'Cardinal Richelieu' figure, manipulating eventsbehind the scenes, but rarely emerging into the spotlight.

There is literally no conference on parapsychology that hedoes not attend. He has traveled and done research with Alexanderand Rima Leibow. He works at keeping very well informed about the'pulse' of the New Age community and about UFO andparapsychological research in particular. He rarely writesanything for print, but keeps in contact with many of the playersin the fields. He has presented papers to many conferences, mostof the examples I have seen are complex, lengthy, and elaboratepieces of dis-information which leave the listeners more confusedthan when he started. This is an individual who bears watching.


Deep Black Magic: Government Research into ESP & Mind Control:URL: <>

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Editor: Mike Coyle <[email protected]>

Contributing Editors: Walter Bowart Alex Constantine Martin Cannon

Assistant Editor: Rick Lawler

Research: Darrell Bross


Editor's Note:This article is excerpted from the Web page of Deep Black Magic: Government Research into ESP & Mind Control:URL: <>



