Guerra contra los boricuas de Chicago

Sugerencias para proteger a víctimas de mala conducta policial

Corrupción Policial y Brutalidad: Cual es en Enlace?

Mensaje a la policía y otras figuras en posiciones de autoridad.

K 9 

Masiva marcha contra la brutalidad policiaca

Somete tus experiencias negativas con los policias



Amerika's ruling class defines "crime" as anything that may threaten its hold on power. Anyone attempting to rectify the vast income inequalities inherent in the capitalist system (through means not sanctioned by the bourgeoisie) is locked up. Anyone not respecting the god-given "right" to private property is locked up. And certainly, anyone attempting to undermine the very foundations of the capitalist state is thrown behind bars as soon as that person becomes a serious threat. 









Portland Copwatch




October 22nd Coalition


Non-violent Pepperspray Victims Homepage


COPWEB-Community Of Police Watchers' Earthwide Beat


Livermore Police CopWatch


The Police Complaint Center









The Police Complaint Center


El Police Complaint Center es una organizacion nacional sin fines de lucro que provee asistencia a victimas de agresiones policiales. Usando la tecnologia actual, el Police Complaint Center documenta e investiga incidentes de abuso policiaco. Nuestro servicio principal es asistir a las victimas de este abuso completando los formularios en contra del personal de estas agencias.







